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We have had such a tremendous response to this website, so we thought we would share some of the comments with the rest of our viewers. Thank you, it makes this service worthwhile.
Wow I can't believe it's been 2 years since I updated this.
Howdy, You probably already know this, but just in case...On the cabelamerica Lake Superior webcam page, the NOAA Lake Level link has been moved. The info can be found. It takes 4 clicks/pages to get to it. I have found that I use the link when the web cam pic makes it look as though water levels are down. I am always amazed to find that the actual level may be down an inch or less. Please think about updating this link, and while you are are at it, how about either making the pic larger or having a "click to enlarge" option. As I age a larger image would be easier to appreciate. I have been a fan for around 10+ years (I think), so even if you do nothing I will still return. Have a great day! Lynn
Lynn Rees
(Thanks Lynn, I fixed the link and we are looking for better technology for more resolution.)01/06/2008
Thank you for being considerate enough to provide the "Lake fix" all these years. You have no idea how much I appreciate being able to see Superior all year long. It makes the long winters go by faster while I plan our trips in summer back to the lake. Thank you. Please keep up the website!
(You are welcome. You can count on it..)Love the new cameras!! I just found them but you can be sure I will look at them every day. I was happy to hear the report that Superior is up 6 inches. Still down 11 inches but more snow will help.
Ellie Dahlstrom, Agate Harbor and Arden Hills, MN
(Ellie, We are happy to see the lake come back a little as well. Makes our boat ramp usable again.)01/04/2008
Love the new webcams in Wawa and Duluth!!! Thank you!
Carol Fadness, Apple Valley, Mn12/24/2007
Just wanted to say Thank You for the web cam and the great view of Superior! Thanks Again and wishing a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Mike Schneider and family.
(Thank you Mike, You are welcome.)12/14/2007
Not sure if you want to add this to your site, but Canal Park in Duluth, MN has a web cam Address
Natalie McGuire, Minnesota
(Thanks Natalie, I will keep an eye on it. It appears to be down now (UPDATE: try this link:
Hi, Just wanted you to know that your Lake cam is my homepage. I'm a displaced Yooper (L'Anse) living in Minnesota and seeing the Big Lake every time I go online keeps me grounded. Thank you!
Donna, Minnesota
BTW:Had quite a chuckle the day a spider decided the camera lens was the place to be!
(Thank you Donna, You never know what you will find on the World Wide "WEB"!!!)9/21/2007
Eric,4 Million hits, eh?! Thank YOU for bringing me beautiful scenes of my beloved Lake Superior. Miss the chat site.
Sparky, Arizona Yooper
(Thanks Sparky. Me too... maybe in 2008 we will bring it back)01/06/2002
My name is Dan Giallombardo, I live in northern Illinois, and I have a deep and abiding love affair with lighthouses, ships, and bodies of water larger than my bath tub. I wanted to thank you for the consistently good quality of your cameras, the choice of camera sites and the way your site is maintained. It is truly well done.
Dan Giallombardo - Illinois
(Thank you for your kind comments. Its our pleasure.)
Hi, I am hoping to find some information on summer cottages either near or on the grounds of Eagle Lake. After checking your web page I am still a little bit confused on where I can find information on this, and I was hoping you can point me in the right direction. It would be greatly appreciated if you can send me any information on either cottages or a website that can give me information on cottages on Eagle Lake. Thanks a lot
(I'm pretty confused too. Not sure what lake you are talking about. Can anyone help? The only Eagle Lake I know of is down in Troll Country. Try this link
As a Kusisto (when I was young) we visited Eagle Harbor almost every summer. I would love to see more photos of the Eagle Harbor area with all of the historic buildings. The old store was 100 years old, the hotel was owned by a professor and his rock hound wife (the Raleys) and we visited the garbage dump to see the bear in the evenings. There was also an old graveyard that was a fascinating journey into the local history. My Aunt Thelma taught school in Eagle Harbor during the winter months, only occasionally leaving for her home in Calumet during the winter. If anyone has any photos to share, please let me know. This is a very special place and I'm happy to know so many others out there are enjoying it on a daily basis.
(Thanks for your comments. George Hite's site has a lot of interesting Eagle Harbor Lore. Click Here. Sadly the dump has been replaced by a compactor and the bears are fewer and far between. Now you have a better chance at having one wind up on your porch! The store was reopened a few years ago by the Cramptons.)
The time is not correct... I am really enjoying your sight
Well it's start'n to look like Winter Up in the lake.............the Coast Guard just pulled the last of the summer buoys today off St Clair, and put in the winter only 76 days till Spring...........yessssssss
Fast Freddy
(Thanks Freddy....)
Janet Townsend
(Thanks Janet. The clock on the camera server tends to run fast in the cold winter months. We have to adjust it about every two weeks. We corrected it and adjusted the camera times today.)12/28/2001
Hello, My name is Paul Taylor. I'm a summer resident of the Keweenaw and the rest of the year I'm a railroad engineer in the Detroit area. Someday I'll be a permanent resident. I've been a long time watcher of Eagle Harbor Cam. I almost never miss a day. I see a fellow named John Keller sent you some great shots from the Cam. Well I've got some shots here that I think are even more spectacular. You can use them if you want. Keep up the great work. Thanks
Paul Taylor Kearsarge and Southgate, Mi
(I think they are all great. Thanks for the submissions. Now that we have heard from Paul and John are there anymore shots lingering out there?)12/27/2001
Hi, good to see the UP on the web cam. when I saw Eagle Harbor, I knew it must be Bill doing it! We're in Florida for the winter, but seeing the UP now and then during the winter tells me why we're here. Drop an e-mail if you get a chance.
Dave & Mary Allie
(Dave & Mary, It is so nice to hear from you. The Allies are dear old friends of ours from our Marquette days.)12/26/2001
Do you know of a live web cam showing downtown Calumet? My husband saw a shot on a computer a couple of years ago and I've been looking for the address ever since and haven't found it. I'd really appreciate you e-mailing me back with the address if you know it. Thanks,
Vanessa Chopp
(Vanessa, I am not aware of a Calumet Cam. That sounds like a good idea though. Maybe I can convince Parkway Chevrolet to put one up on their website. They are right on 5th Street in Calumet.)
I don't have the choice of .mht to save the web page to.....and every time I try to save the page as an .html, it saves the page with the right visitor #, but with a beautiful sunset pic from 07/07/01. Any ideas?
Peg (LakeSuperiorGirl)
(Peg, sounds like you saved the 7/7/01 shot some time ago. The html file opens a picture called "lake2.jpg" I bet if you checked in the directory you are saving the page to you will find lake2.jpg is already there. To see the picture rename the existing lake2 file to say 070701 and save the new picture by right clicking on the picture and selecting "Save picture as..." Then you will have both the HTML and the picture. If you still can't, then just submit the html file with the right number or print the page and snail mail it.)
As a former Marquette yooper seeing pictures of the lake keeps me going until I can get back to visit the lake in person. (Now in Phoenix)
Pat Mcquire - Phoenix
(Thanks Pat, Phoenix Michigan? Probably not...)12/24/2001
How often does the camera update itself? Thanks.
(The camera updates every 10 to 15 minutes. Right now it is every 10. I go back and forth depending if we need to use the data line for other things.)
Well that's one ugly lake for CHRISTMAS EVE, but it sure is a beautiful area year round.
(Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!)12/23/2001
Here are some snapshots that I captured over the six months or so. I especially like 10/07/01. There's an freighter on the horizon. By the way, I love your site. I went to Tech and visited Eagle Harbor and the rest of the Copper Country many times, before I moved to Texas. Until I return, hopefully in 2003, I'll use you webcam daily to remind me of what I'm missing.
John Keller - Houston, TX
(Thanks John. Those are very impressive shots. Are there any other visitors who have favorite shots out there?)Hey just checking out your web cam comes in pretty clear was hopping to see a little more snow though. We have a small resort in Trout Lake, Mi so if you here of any snow coming our way let us know
John @Brenda troutlake@sault.com12/22/2001
The sparkling Christmas trees were a delight.
(Webmaster's Note: I removed them to make room for the 1,000,000 visitor links.)
I tune into the Webcam daily- with longing. My wife and I vacationed for our anniversary at the Sand Hills Lighthouse Inn several years back and we can't wait to get back. Thanks for the window to our favorite place!
Bobby and Krista Foster- Paoli, PA12/20/2001
I take a vacation every time I log on. Thanks for the memories.
Barbara Kaniewski - Grand Rapids, MIHi.. Wow, wonderful pictures. I am from Spain, Europe, I live in Madrid and I really loved the pics about the lake.. good work, thanks. Greetings from Spain
Almudena - Madrid, Spain, Europe
(Webmaster's Note: Almudena, Muchas Gracia por su mensage. Es bueno recivir su algo de su pais. Yo he puesto su nota en la pagina. Feliz Navidad (Thank You). The lake cam has now assumed an international flavor!)
Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a contest as to when the 1,000,000 visit will occur. Would be interesting. Happy Holidays to all in the Keweenaw and God Bless!
Jim Jacka - Bristol, Indiana
(Webmaster's Note: We are working on something. Not sure what it will be yet, but keep checking in...)12/17/2001
Merry Christmas from an old MTU toot and random visitor.
David Williams12/14/2001
The other two individuals are Tim Burnette and Gerry McCoy of Birmingham, Alabama, in fact all 4 of us are from Birmingham. for the past four years have been the tour director for various individuals from here for a weekend of snowmobiling. Have 12 individuals scheduled for the Copper Country in February 02, trust HEIKKI LUNTA will do his part.
Bill Jacka Sr. - Birmingham, AL
(Webmaster's Note: Thanks for the update. Now the mystery is completely solved.)Happy Holidays + Thank You for the Lake Cam!
Paul LaVanway - Wausau, Wisconsin (but my heart is in the Keweenaw)
(Webmaster's Note: Thank you and so is mine!)Another point of reference as to the height of the rocks and waves for that person who asked about it is to click on the "picture of the camera". In that picture you can see the trees on the shore to give you some idea of the height of the rocks.
(Webmaster's Note: Thanks Rose.)No need to post this message, but I thought you might want to add a new link to your web site: This is a web site for an Army Corps of Engineers group doing research on cold climates; they've just set up a camera for the winter to monitor ice in the Silver Bay Marina, in Lake County, MN, located WSW across the lake from Eagle Harbor. The view isn't as scenic as the view in your Eagle Harbor webcam, but you can see a little of what the big lake is doing on the "north shore" as they call it here in MN. The camera was set up yesterday (12 December 2001). This web site has several other views that may also be of interest to your visitors (such as views of the Soo Locks). I enjoy your site very much, a nice way to keep in touch with the Keweenaw County shore ... keep up the good work!
Carol Reschke - MN
(Webmaster's Note: Carol, your link is so neat I thought I would pass it on with your message. I hope that's ok.)12/13/2001
I am interested in having a point of reference for the height of the waves that roll in. Can you tell me about how high the rocks are in the foreground? Not the one on the right corner, but the first ones after that. Thanks.
PS I have made the Eagle Harbor cam my home page. I was going there every time I log on so it just made it easier.
(Webmaster's Note: The rocks in front are only a few feet high. The " wave picture" will give some idea of perspective. I will see if I can get a better reference point for you.) (Note#2 Click here for more perspective pictures)12/12/2001
Christmas Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia. Just wanted to wish ya'll a very Merry Christmas and to Thank you so very much for the opportunity given to all of us to view the water from your back porch. The people in the "Special Wave" pic are my father, Bill Jacka my brother Bill Jacka, Jr. and two friends of theirs. Next summer, Brian and I may attempt a different kind of wave as well. May God Bless
Ginny Jacka Durst - Atlanta, Georgia
(Webmaster's Note: Thanks Ginny, I hope I can catch the next wave.)12/11/2001
Thank you so much for keeping the Eagle Harbor web cam going. I am originally from Hancock. I live in Fort Worth, Texas now and I took my wife up to Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor this summer and she was amazed at how big the Great Lakes are. She didn't realize that you could not see across them. She has lived in Texas all her life and I told her that we have big things in Michigan too. I love looking at your website because we don't have snow here and I never knew how much I would miss it. Keep up the super work. MERRY CHRISTMAS
Bob and Charlene Chapman - Fort Worth, Texas
Hi! Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate your recent hard work in upgrading this site. The view of the lake is a "must see" multiple times every day, but the information you've added is WONDERFUL! Congrats--nice job!
Frank Christensen
(Webmaster's Note: Thank you.)
Just thought you'd like to know (as a retired teacher) that "buoy" is spelled wrong on your web page of Lake Superior. You have spelled it "bouy"
Laurie Enderle
(Webmaster's Note: Thanks for the correction. I updated the main page and added the "buoy" link. As Ms. Enderle points out I spelled it wrong. It just isn't a word I spell very often. Please let me know of any other mistakes. I will be honest grammer and spelling were never my strong suits in school.)
Hi, Love the cam as I went to MTU for school and unfortunately can't live up there in da UP. Why does the cam stop taking pictures right before the sunset. This is the most beautiful time of the day and was one of my favorite thing to see. Please fix this! Great site. Thanks again
Sam Wentzel
(Webmaster's Note: Capturing the sunset or sunrise is quite difficult. As we all know the time the sunsets is a moving target. The server needs to be adjusted every week or so as the days shorten or lengthen. Sometimes I get it right other times you see total darkness. If I let it snap after it sets all our visitors see is a dark screen. I try to leave something to see. We strive for perfection, but at best it's a crapshoot.)Hi, After reading the note about Northwest Radio, I just had to send a note of my own. I grew up in L'Anse, and in 1953 or so bought a Wells Gardner ham receiver from Mr. Jackson. It still works in my shop here on Marrowstone Island about 50 miles NW of Seattle on the Olympic Peninsula. One of my classmates at Tech was Mr. Jackson's son. Check the UP weather every day on your webcam. We get back there every two years or so.
Tom Seavoy, Marrowstone Island, WA
(Webmaster's Note: The first Mr. Jackson (William F. W8EGF) was my Grandfather, The second Mr. Jackson (William G. W8GHK) Is my father. Glad to hear the receiver still works. Let me know if you need any tubes for it. We still have quite a few left. The last remnants of North West Radio!)12/10/2001
Dear Eagle Harbor Cam - I would just like to pass on to all my fellow Eagle Harbor Cam "watchers" that they should also check the live location of the freighters on the lake at For me it's a big kick to first check the cam to see what mood the Big Lake is in and then to check to see who's out in it.
Andrew Gurthet - San Francisco, California
(Webmaster's Note: I also check the ship locations especially when the Gales of November stir things up a bit.)12/09/2001
From your statistics, it looks like you'll soon be approaching the 1,000,000 mark on visitors to the site. No doubt, I contribute to that number since I view the site every morning when I arrive at work as well as frequently as 3 times per day beyond that. It's a great tranquilizer in the middle of a hectic day and a wonderful way to start off each day. As a relocated Michigander, it really gives me comfort to get a look at "home" each day. Thanks!
Brian Wilczynski - Ashburn, Virginia
Thank You I can't tell you how much your web sight means to a yooper at heart during the times when I can't be up there. Just keep up the good work. Thanks again
Chuck Rink - Millrsburg, Indiana
Thanks so much for bringing us a view of THE LAKE every day! I never miss a "visit" to this website every time I am online. We have been coming up to the Keweenaw for over 30 years and can't wait for our next visit. In the meantime your camera keeps us in touch.
(Webmaster's Note: Your welcome and thank you. We look forward to having you back in our neck of the woods.)
What happened to the Eagle Harbor web cam? It's been a black image for quite sometime now...every time I check the website. Miss seeing Lake Superior & the winter storms brewing in over the lake!
Jan Niemi - Edmonds, Washington (the left coast)
(Webmaster's Note: There was a power outage at 2:00AM 12/06/01 The camera came back up later in the day when the power did.)11/30/2001
I see that there is no view feedback since February, 2000! Well, this is a wonderful website. I love the shoreline and the view. Thank you!
Paul and Deirdre
(Webmaster's Note: I have been quite neglectful of the feedback page. This note has inspired me to add some of the latest comments.)Just wanted to pass along thanks for producing such a great site. As a transplant but now Florida "native", I really enjoy seeing what's going on up on the big lake. I've sent your site to folks all over the country.
Again, good job and happy holidays to you and your staff!
Patrick Bingham - Florida11/27/2001
You sure made me homesick. I'm from Michigan. I was with my dad when we visited Eagle Harbor many years ago. Nice job. I'm in TN. now and I sure do miss Michigan after these pics. I enjoy surfing your web site. like I said I was from Michigan. 48 yrs. Ypsilanti as a matter of fact. Have a good day... and thanks again for the picks.
Ralph Sellers - TN11/19/2001
Hi, What type of web cam are you using ? Where did you get the outdoor housing for it ? How well does it work in cold weather ? Many Thanks
Dean Battistella
(Webmaster's Note: We use a standard closed circuit color security camera. The camera feeds video into a snappy video capture device. The software for uploading is called snapcap. I apologize, I do not remember where we got the housing from. We went through several until we found one that worked. I will see if I can find the information. It is heated and we do use the heater during the cold winter months. (Although the heater isn't tough enough to withstand what the UP can throw at it all the time! Click here see picture))11/04/2001
Hi, I just wanted to say "Hi". After living year round at Cat Harbor and watching the Lake daily from my living room window, It's good to see it again. I recently moved "South" for the winter. South being Lower Michigan, but still 600 miles South from home. I hate to admit it, but the snow last winter did me in, so this winter I'll watch someone else do it. Looking forward to returning in the spring.
Joyce Christenson10/25/2001
Enjoy the view of the "big" lake. What direction does the camera face? Do you know the geographical coordinates i.e. Latitude and longitude? I have a camp over near Sidnaw but have friends near Eagle River.
Joe McMahan - Dearborn, Mi
(Webmaster's Note: Joe, The camera faces roughly due West. I'm not sue the actual location, but I will fire up the GPS and find out. Until then here is a picture that shows the location: Click Here)10/24/2001
Didn't the cam use to be in color?
Doug Miller
(Webmaster's Note: I get this question a lot. My canned answer is usually: "The camera is still color but the world is in black and white!" Many of the images taken in the fall and the winter appear B&W because the light levels are so low and frankly there is little color on a dark dreary day. The rocks are gray, the lake is gray, the sky is gray so the picture is gray.)05/10/2001
Hello, Excellent Web Site, I go to It 95% of the time I am on the Internet, we like to visit and vacation there, so the web cam is nice when you just cannot be there. I will be there In July, my fiancé and me are getting married In Copper Harbor. OK thanks again for the pictures
Keith Kirby & Angela Robinson
(Webmaster's Note: Congratulations. I can't think of a more beautiful place to start your marriage.)04/12/2001
Thanks for your effort. I get to look at my favorite lake every day
Mike - Cottonwood, California
(Webmaster's Note: It's our pleasure.)02/12/2000
My father just told me today of this web site. Since I now live in Phoenix, these photos are quite chilling to me. I was born in Hancock and my father is from Eagle Harbor, Donald Arnson. Thank you for the neat photos. - Phoenix, AZ02/09/2000
Finally, I saw some humans on the beach! I've watched the seasons change. Weather systems pass through. Sunrise shadows and sunset colors. But I needed some size perspective to get a handle on the scale. Today, 09 Feb 00 at 2:33 PM I saw four figures waving on an ice flow. I saved the image and will cut and paste them on other saved images without ice to get a feeling for summer sizing.. I know Superior shoreline quite well; I've kayaked about 800 miles of shoreline so far.. Thanks for the camera. It helps me keep in contact with the most beautiful place on the planet..
Ron Clark01/21/2000
Just a short message to say I surf Eagle Harbor Cam and Pasty Central daily.. makes a "old soldier" homesick! I am originally from Allouez, still own a Lakeshore Lot at Eagle River. After Calumet High, devoted 30 years to the U.S. Army retiring as a Sergeant Major (E-9). Presently, live at Blue Ridge Summit, PA (located between the Civil War Battlefields of Gettysburg and Antietam) and work as a Telecommunications Manager assigned to Fort Detrick, MD. I may be telling my age but I used to purchase radio tubes from Nortwest Radio of Michigan in Laurium. Spent a lot of time at The "Harbors" Keep up the good work for us "Yoopers"..
John E. Kivela Jr - Blue Ridge Summit, PA
(Webmaster's Note: Northwest Radio was my grandfather's business (William F. Jackson). Which through a long series evolving changes turned into CableAmerica which owns the Eagle Harbor Cam. John has been a long time customer of the EagleHarbor Cam business empire!!)01/19/2000
Exactly what is the location of your camera in relation to the lighthouse? Thanks,
(Webmaster's Note: The camera is west of the light house across M26 from the Eagle Harbor Inn)01/19/2000
Thanks so much for the wonderful tour of your site and of michigan. I havent seen lake Michigan in 45 years. Some day I will make it up there again.. I remember the ore boats back then too.. My best to you all
Gary - Weatherford, Texas
(Webmaster's Note: The camera is actually on Lake Superior.)01/18/2000
Hi from Florida... I would like to thank you for the cam. shots of Lake Superior,I look at the lake every day. I sailed the Great Lakes for over 30 yrs. retiring last Aug.. and driving up to Eagle Hbr, to visit my long time friend Vince Jordan. I met a lot of nice people in and around E.H. and caught a 14 lb. lake trout. In Nov. of 1997 I made a trip though the Keweenaw Waterway to seek shelter from a Nov. gale it was a beautiful trip and I blew the whistle while passing under the lift bridge. You people up there really live in a God's Country......
Capt. R. Metz Cocoa, Fl.01/13/2000
Hi to all! I am sitting here at work in Bloomington MN looking at your webcam pictures.. I grew up in Calumet (my dad is Fred Longpre, who now lives in Lac la Belle) and am actually coming home this weekend for a visit. Thank you so much for giving me something to look at and enjoy when I can't be there in person. I pretty much know every spot that you have taken a picture of and it brings back a lot of memories. I will look forward to visiting your site again soon..
Jackie (Longpre) Rineer01/11/2000
Hello from Channahon, IL I enjoy your Eagle Harbor - Lake Cam. I was up in Copper Harbor for 30 days this summer at Fanny Hooe Campground. Any less time is not enough! I have been going up there for 30 years but have never been up there later than October. Would love to spend Christmas up there sometime too! Sincerely,
Rose Fields (The Mokena Rose's mother) - Channahon, IL01/11/2000
Just love seeing you cam online! I visit your site every morning to "see" what the lake is doing. We have a house on the other side on the lake near Gay looking south. It is always good to know what it is doing on the "northside" where you really get some rough weather. Great shots!
Rob Middlemis-Brown Gay, MI (and Iowa City, IA)01/10/2000
Really enjoy your website. I visit the eastern U.P. a couple times a year. I usually try to explore a new area each visit. Been interested inseeing the Keweenaw area but never made it far enough west. Your site has really sparked my interest. I think this will be the year! Thank you!
John Gillis - Marengo, OH01/10/2000
Hi from Mokena, Illinois! Thanks so much for my daily fix of Lake Superior. I've been visiting the U.P. for 30 years now, and wish I could live there! (Maybe when the kids are through college.) I've only been there in the summer, and would love to come up for Christmas sometime.
Rose Tuttle - Mokena, IL
Just wanted to let you know how much I love your webcam. I love the pics of Lake Superior. It's as beautiful as I remember. I spent 2 yrs at MTU. Fell in love with the entire area. I'm originally from lower Mich now living in western upstate New York. The winters here can't compare to a yooper winter (we've been having 40-50 degrees and no snow - in Jan!). I truely miss the winters there (*L* yes I've been told I'm crazy). It's difficult to snowshoe and ski with no snow.. Thanks for the pics.. please keep the lens cleaned off :)
Janice' Hammond - New York01/09/2000
Thank you so much for the quality images of Superior. Raised in Alpena, MI, now in So. CA and planning to return to the Great Lakes area. We enjoy "the lake" every day!
Jeff and Karen - Alpena, MI01/09/2000
I'm a robotics engineer, spend allot time in Germany, we are in the medical industry. I like the addition of The Mendota light house. I have fantastic winter shots of that place.
Jim Oliver01/08/2000
We love to keep up with our favorite Michigan location. Thank you for making it available!
The Ownbys01/07/2000
My mom sent me this address so whenever I feel homesick, I can see the lake!I am a former Yooper and Michigander and have been in Montana for 7 years.. Great site!
Heidi - Helena, MT
(Webmaster's Note: Thanks Heidi's mom for spreading the word!)01/07/2000
Thank you for such a great site. I presently live in Phoenix AZ but my heart is still in Wisconsin where I grew up. I sailed Lake Michigan and Superior most of my life. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your live cam and web page. Say 'hello' to the lake for me :) Still missing the UP
Laurie A. Freeman - Phoenix, AZ
(Webmaster's Note: Can someone up there say hi to the lake for Laurie. I'm back in AZ now :-( ....... )01/06/2000
I sure would have enjoyed seeing the Fall colors on Brockway. It's beautiful then, too. Several of my co-workers have talked of coming to MI in the Fall for colors, they might be more inclined to come if the could see some of the beauty.
Dale Mattson
(Webmaster's Note: Great idea Dale. I will try that next year.. Stay tuned)01/06/2000
My wife and I made a trip to the U.P. a couple of years ago. We have stayed at Munising, Houghton and visited Copper Harbor for the sunset cruise on the fourth of July. We also drove around Eagle Harbor and went to the lighthouse. This is very beautiful country. I hope man doesn't screw it up. I vist the cam site almost everyday. Keep up the great pictures. Feel free to send mail to me anytime..
Larry Miller01/06/2000
Have en joyed checking your site for over a year now. I usually go to George's Eagle Harbor Web first to catch up on the news. As a teenager back in the 60's I used to stay out at the old Delaware boarding house (it's been torn down for years) with a group known as the Buckeye Boys.. We were all from Cincinnati. In '62 we moved to a new house out at South Point between Lac la Belle and Gay.My wife Pamela, and I, have made at least one trip to the Keweenaw each year for the past 14 years. We havegained many great friends on both the North and South sides of the peninsula . This brings me to the main purpose of this message. How about a link to the Mendota Lighthouse camera so that the weather on both sides can be easily viewed..
Dan Young
(Webmaste's Note: I will be adding links to both George's website and the Mendota light to the main page soon)01/05/2000
How varied the towns that are represented in the 200,000 hits? I suppose most have some connection the U.P. For us, my husband was stationed in Marquette [KI Sawyer] 38 yrs. ago and we come back to visit regularly. We know very few people that were there when we lived there, just love the area and the big lake. I enjoy your website and my husband is convinced I am responsible for at least 100,000 of the hits as I visit at least twice a day. I also visit regularly George Hites, John Dees, Mendota websites. Love the Mendota Musings, very descriptive and informative. Thanks for bringing the lake closer than a days drive. Hope to be there again this summer for a short visit. Would be permanent if the old lottery would just pick my numbers!!!
Barbara and Tom Whiteside - Clarksville, IN
(Webmaster's Note: I can't really answer that question. I do know that I have had e-mails from virtually every state and some other countries. Most do have some connection to the UP or Michigan or a Great Lake.)01/05/2000
Hi, The UP is my favorite place on earth and we visit it often. Everyday I look to see what the lake is doing. I've only been there in the summer, so this gives me an idea of what winter is like in the UP. Keep up the good work.
Ellen, Ilinois01/05/2000.
Background: I was born and raised in kalamazoo michigan and lived there for 38 years. I have been to the UP many times in my life, I prefer the U.P. actually and was allways very sad to leave and go home. I have actually been to Eagle Harbor a few times so now that I live in Texas whenever I get homesick I can not only see michigan through your web cam but one of my prefered spots as well. and when I start missing snow your cam rarely lets me down! I am now married with 4 step-son's in East Texas. My goal for next summer is to bring my family to Michigan and show them all the spots I love so much. A visit to Eagle Harbor as well as the "Falls" is a must. When Texans remark about how large there lakes are I just smile and say "But you can see the other side?" they love that! I now reside in Ben Wheeler Texas and visit the LAKE cam allmost daily. Keep up the great work!
P.S. Im in the process of setting up a web cam myself, wish me luck ;-)
Craig Klepper Ben Wheeler, Texas Visitor #200,000
Greetings from Seattle, although I live in Issaquah, a suburb about 15 miles east of Seattle proper. From '81-'84 I was Coast Guard Group Commander in Duluth and Eagle Harbor Light was one of my lighthouses. I believe we transferred the light to the Keweenaw Historical Society in '82...know it was winter as damn near froze to death during the transfer ceremony. Good friends with Ned and Marsha Humphreys...Ned passed away about 2 years ago and Marsha is living outside of Mobile.
Carl Swedberg - Issaquah WA01/05/2000
My fiancé Shawn and I love the UP. We are planning a move up there by May of this year (2000). We live in Chicago right now and absolutely hate it! The hustle, the bustle, the hassles, the horrific traffic, the taxes, no parking signs here, no parking signs there, here a sign, there a sign, everywhere a sign-sign, don't do this, don't do that, the rude & ignorant people and drivers make for a hellish place to live. The UP seems to be a great "family" place and a great place to raise a family. We love all the outdoorsy things to do, the powerful, violent lake storms, the awesome beauty of Pictured Rocks and the waterfalls, the winter fun on snowmobiles and ice skates, the summer fun on kayaks, the remote tranquillity of the Keweenaw. We want to call the UP our home. The year round playground! Sincerely,
Brian Malone & Shawn Stockman (Pro Trumpet player)Chicago, IL
Hi, I'm attaching the Lake Cam page. I do view this every day I'm at work and really enjoy seeing what is going on day by day. I love the area and have been going up there over 6 years, as my son attended Michigan Tech University and now is an employee of the university. I've been to Eagle Harbor numerous times and Lake Superior is very beautiful there. You chose a wonderful area to place the cam.! Sincerely
Jackie Sadler
(Webmaster's Note: Jakie was Visitor #200,002! So close..)01/05/2000
The lake looks so calm I hope it is the calm before the storm. I used to feel sorry for you people up there with so much snow. Of course that was before I realized you like it. I'll be thinking snow down here for you up there. It's not much better here either, I live in Livonia, just outside Detroit. Keep those beautiful pictures coming. I do enjoy the different moods of that lake..
Cheryl M. - Livonia, MI
(Webmaster's Note: We don't all love snow, but some, like myself, do!)01/05/2000
I just wanted to tell you that I think this is a wonderful idea. My brother lives in Calumet and we are always curious to see what the weather is like in the great north. Now we can see at a touch of a button. Keep up the good work!
Mary Jo D. Grand Rapids, MI01/04/2000
Thank you for going to the trouble to set up this site--it's great! I found it last year and now log on pretty much every day to get my Lake Superior "fix." I never get tired of looking at the lake...even from 12 hours away! Thanks again!
Melissa, Lansing, MI01/04/2000
Neat Site!!
John S. Ithaca, New York01/04/2000
Hi, my great grandparents were from Ste. Sault Marie and I lived in Marquette for about 5 years before I succumbed to the lure of money and ambition over lifestyle and environment; moving from the UP to now the farthest end of I-75 ie., Naples, Florida. It's great to at least see the UP on a daily basis even if I can't move back just yet, I still have dreams in the morning hours of the snow and cold crisp mornings snow shoeing in the woods along the lake shore(unfortunately then I wake up). Anyway, your work is much appreciated down here..
Christopher M. Naples, FL01/03/2000
Love the cam,friend sent it to me,send more please!!
Lori K.01/03/2000
I'm a born Yooper living in VA and I check out the cam every day. thanks
Susan - Reston, VA01/03/2000
We live in the LP but vacation in the RP (Real peninsula) extensively each year, and I just wanted to let you know how much my wife and I appreciate what you do with your trusty camera and the web site. It is a pleasure to view the pictures of all the places we are familiar with and to see the beautiful landscape in the winter months. In addition, my older son attends NMU and my younger son, currently in high school, will likely attend there also or possibly at MTU. Your work enhances a bond that we feel very strongly. THANKS!!
Steve M.01/03/2000
Happy New Year! Any archived pics of the wind storm during Christmas weekend? Or is that how the camera got iced up? Saw in the weather reports that Copper Harbor had gusts in the 70 mph range .. Thanks,
(webmaster's note: The storm was really after the sunset so I can't update the archives.)
No Name given
To the white north! My wife and I were at the Eagle River Inn last week and we have been up to eagle harbor numerous times, and we still have forgotten to ask, were is the camera located? Sincerely,
Jim and Juanita, Woodstock Il.
(webmaster's note: The camera is west of the light house across M26 from the Eagle Harbor Inn)
Wanted to say that I enjoy the web cam. Thanks for work. I am from Wisc. east/central part and I do miss the area, maybe some day I will make it back...
Just wanted to say thank you for keeping the camera up. I have visited the area [2x] -- may just end up in U.P. It is nice to see what the real weather is like. P.S. You do look a bit cold!
Mark M. Dayton, OH
Hi! I just wanted to drop a line about how beautiful those winter photos are. I'm very familiar with that part of the U. P. as I have relatives in Copper Harbor and Hancock. It's nice to be able to go to your site,because I'm only able to see Eagle Harbor in the summer when I visit.. I look forward to more photos..
Been over a year now since we were up there. Sure like being able to take a look when I want to. Thanx and Happy New Year from us stuck down below..
No Name Given
I really appreciate you putting the Lake Cam of Eagle Harbor on the web. Being from Southern Michigan, it is nice to see what the weather is like on a daily/houly basis where I really would like to live. Keep up the good work and have a Happy New Year!
Brian W. Lansing, Michigan